Advantages of the Trusted Source Marketing™ model accrue to employees, agents /brokers, and companies that decide to become a Trusted Source.
We have too many meetings. And we have too many bad meetings. Where do enrollment meetings, benefit information meetings, and benefit ‘fairs’ fit? As it relates to the company goals and the company’s work these meetings don’t fit.
Trusted Source Marketing™ may be the method to best explain, influence and thereby increase employee understanding, participation and satisfaction with all types of company benefits. There will be opposition even from those who might gain the most.
Company meetings should be an important tool to move an organization forward toward its goals. However, benefit meetings cannot be as effective as other means for disseminating information about inherently personal matters. Individual decision-making is best done privately.
How many of you have been in a meeting with dozens of people, or even hundreds, where the purpose of the meeting was ostensibly to explain the new 401K or new health care options, then one or two people ask very personal questions with specific parameters that are so narrow that no one else in the room can be helped by the answer? The meeting ends with too few learning too little.
These meeting are a very costly waste of everyone’s time and the organization’s money. Since there is currently no real mechanism for information dissemination besides handing out some booklets, everyone loses. People don’t buy what they don’t understand. They are frustrated and confused. Then they call the personnel department with real questions and the expert has left the building.
How much better would it be to have a system that allows for individual requests for information to be met by those who have it and who are paid to provide it? Company management, as it relates to their responsibility for benefits, can focus on their real questions-which benefits to offer, from which companies, and why. Currently, too much depends on the salesman’s ability to get through the gatekeeper and not enough focus on how best to get the word out about the real advantages of participation by employees.
The biggest reason to oppose new benefits is that HR and management knows how expensive it can be to set up an enrollment. So new programs are very difficult to begin. This is another reason to consider becoming a Trusted Source. Use modern methods of communication to communicate about things important to individuals privately.