LegalShield Fringe or Voluntary Benefit


Trusted Source Marketing and LegalShield


This topic has two points of view.  Both of them are mine.  While it is axiomatic that LegalShield is a fantastic voluntary benefit for companies to offer it might better be considered as an essential fringe benefit.

I can think of no benefit that offers more varied help in more varied situations that may affect every member of every family of every employer than LegalShield.  This multifaceted, broadly applied yet focused benefit gives average people access to justice.  Health care benefits and retirement programs are also essential.  Most of us are not sick.  And though it is important to prepare for retirement, today’s issues can cause anxiety, stress, loss of fortune and a sense of helplessness.

LegalShield can and does bring a sense of well-being to thousands of members everyday. When questions about housing, credit, identity theft, traffic, being taken advantage of, essential document preparation and myriad other legal issues arise, LegalShield is there.

Whether or not a Trusted Source decides to offer LegalShield and the Identity Theft Shield from Kroll as a voluntary benefit or as an essential fringe benefit the need to use the methods I have described before remain.  Continuous reminders of the varied ways to employ our LegalShield attorneys is important to overcome old habits.

We as a people live in the most litigious society in the world.  But without question most people don’t think to call an attorney when bad things happen.  We have been conditioned by the high cost of legal help to “handle things ourselves” and often don’t consult an attorney until it is “too” late.

Since the Identity Theft Shield is the only product to offer true restoration services and a Safeguard for Minors it is equally true that most of us think we need to handle these ID thieves on our own.  Amateurs can seldom do a job as well as seasoned professionals.

So if you are a Trusted Source or an associate working with an employer to bring the great advantage of LegalShield to their workers, please consider a permanent campaign of communication to your employees or association members or who ever the group is that is trusting you to bring necessary benefits and information about how they be best used to advantage.

It is true that you don’t have any rights if you don’t know what they are.  It is equally true that to have LegalShield and not use it leaves us vulnerable and often helpless in the face of a complicated world with many who would take advantage of us.